
No. 1 Shipka St. (ул. Шипка 1)
066/804 867
Price range of 8 to 16 lev (or $5 to $10 U.S. or 4 to 8 Euros)
Regular business hours

The establishment serves Italian and traditional Bulgarian cuisine.

La Skala
No. 3 Radion Umikov St. (ул. Радион Умников 3)
066/805 051
Price range of 10 to 25 lev (or $6 to $17 U.S. or 5 to 13 Euros)
Regular business hours

The establishment serves pizza and similar foods.

Pri Lovetsa
No. 17 Emanuil Manolov St. (ул. Емануил Манолов 17)
089/913 489
Price range of 10 to 25 lev (or $6 to $17 U.S. or 5 to 13 Euros)
Regular business hours

The establishment serves traditional Bulgarian and international cuisine.

Glineni Garneta
No. 9 Radion Umikov St. (ул. Радион Умников 9)
+066/805 168
Price range of 8 to 16 lev (or $5 to $10 U.S. or 4 to 8 Euros)
Regular business hours

The establishment serves cakes, pies, fruit cocktails, coffees and similar desserts and snacks.